From simple daily gestures to simple forms.

Complicating is easy, simplifying is difficult. The fascinating experience of creative synthesis leads to the observation that the best solution is the simplest, even if the process that led to this result was complicated.

In order to reach its full effectiveness and clarity, a project must work towards simplicity. True genius entails the transformation of a complex function into a simple and substantially effective solution.


This series of taps enables water savings of over 95%. A smooth mechanism (patented) means that you can simply use two fingers to regulate the water flow as required at any time, according to the pressure on the location.

A double filter preserves the cartridge for much longer.

Design by Marco Piva
Living the bath
Vivere il bagno
Valpra S.r.l.


Valpra S.r.l.


Via Salvemini 23 - 28012 Cressa (NO) - Italia

Capitale Sociale Euro 69.200 euro I.V.

R.E.A. n° 196337 C.C.I.A.A. di Novara

C.F. – P.I. – R.I. 01772760037

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